
Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware Tool

Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware Tool uses a ready-made list of ransomware variants to detect infections both new and old. It's particularly effective against ...

Ransomware Mitigation

Ransomware Mitigation is a feature designed to mitigate the impact of an active ransomware attack. When a file is encrypted the randomness ...

What is Ransomware? Prevention & Data Recovery

Ransomware is a category of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

Bitdefender Ransomware Recognition Tool

A tool to help ransomware victims find which family and sub-version of ransomware has encrypted their data and then get the appropriate decryption tool, ...

GravityZone Anti-Ransomware

Bitdefender provides multiple layers of protection from ransomware, analyzing and intercepting malicious software on-access and on-execution.

Bitdefender Blocks Worlds Most Aggressive Piece Of Ransomware ...

The WannaCry ransomware encrypts files in the PCs it infects. Attackers demand a ransom be paid in exchange for decryption. This particular ransomware is ...

什麼是Bitdefender Ransomware Remediation?


[PDF] Bitdefender 釋出對抗勒索病毒(CryptoWall) 免費疫苗工具

Bitdefender 官方提供免費的Anti-Ransomware 勒索病毒疫苗工具,可以單獨. 安裝或與Bitdefender 產品同時安裝。 Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware 官方下載網址:.


防毒軟體公司Bitdefender剛釋出一款號稱能夠對抗勒索軟體的工具:Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware,即便不是Bitdefender防毒軟體的用戶亦可免費使用。

How does Ransomware Remediation work in Bitdefender ...

Bitdefender monitors for ransomware behavior (malicious file encryption) and when detected will create local backups of the protected files. If ...


BitdefenderAnti-RansomwareToolusesaready-madelistofransomwarevariantstodetectinfectionsbothnewandold.It'sparticularlyeffectiveagainst ...,RansomwareMitigationisafeaturedesignedtomitigatetheimpactofanactiveransomwareattack.Whenafileisencryptedtherandomness ...,Ransomwareisacategoryofmalicioussoftwaredesignedtoblockaccesstoacomputersystemuntilasumofmoneyispaid.,Atooltohelpransomwarevictimsfindwh...